Saturday, 27 January 2007
Help Wanted (1)
- Help wanted post on the North Gate Dead Tree
The Old World practice of posting notes advertising jobs all over the cities and villages can be a very good way of giving the characters opportunities to somewhat take control of their destiny. Of course, not every job offer have to have a fully fledged adventure behind it, sometimes it's enough with just an idea of how to run an encounter.
For example, the Niederhafen Pike could be a monster, it could be a myth. It could be a real threat or just a rumour spread to cover up another sinister plot. Characters investigating might find clues that points to the involvement of one of the Guilds, or one of the Dockside gangs like the Fish or the Hooks (see Beasts in Velvet, by Jack Yeovil for more information on those two gangs).
Some help wanted posters might just be colourful jokes, provided to the players to help them understand the texture and the atmosphere of Altdorf. There is a really great thread with help wanted suggestions at the Black Industries forum. Click here to find it.
Gossip (2)
- Rumour picked up from two sailors at The Burning Table
Gossip (1)
- Rumour picked up from a pie seller at the Königsplatz
Have you heard?
The two most common channels of information is through leaflets or poster, and through gossip. Since most people of Altdorf, and indeed of the Empire, are illiterate it is my belief that mouth to mouth gossip is the grease that makes the wheels of the capital turn. Without gossiping there would be no common ground for people to build their lives upon, no shared experiences, fables, stories or advice. So people gossip. Where ever and when ever they meet they exchange greetings and a choice gossip or two. It comes as easily as talking about the weather, and the people of Altdorf do much rather gossip than pontificate about meteorological phenomena. The rumours and stories they exchange can be trivial, such as the best price of eggs, or of major political importance such as a new tax, or a set back in the war against chaos.
One very interesting part of the gossip phenomena of Altdorf is the role of the semi-literates, those who know how to read just a little. It is my firm belief that these people are, as a group, the origin of most of the political and more absurd and erroneous rumors that are spread. They read the official proclamations, news leaflets and posters and as they don't understand but half of what is written they fill in the blanks using their own fevered imagination.
Adolphus Altdorfer
Aubentag, Nachexen 6, 2522 IC
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
Is there a scholar in the house?
"If you can read this you might fit the bill! The Ratchett Lines needs a scribe or a scholar to help expand its services! Apply at the Ratchett Stables in the Bankbezirk!"
I vaguely remembered the Ratchett Lines as one of the smaller coaching companies that had routes to Middenheim. I had ended up travelling with Cartak Lines, but it seemed to me that both of them was the same kind of company. I tore down the paper, and made my way towards the Bankbezirk, which conveniently was the neighbourhood district. As I left I saw the North Gate Guards subdue the last of the desperate refugees, and the reinforcements were moving out among the tents to deal out some preventive violence. I remembered the bribe I had to pay to enter Altdorf, a sum none of the people living just outside the walls could afford.
Adolphus Altdorfer
Aubentag, Nachexen 6, 2522 IC
The Ratchett Line and the Cartak Line were first mentioned in The Enemy Within, if my sources are correct. They are listed as operating out of Altdorf, and as being in competition with the dominant WFRP coaching line; Four Seasons Coaches. No other information was given, so it will be interesting to see what Adolphus finds out.
I have placed the coaching companies in the Bankbezirk, all fairly close to each other. I hope to establish a running rivalry between the lines, which should give ample opportunity for work for adventurers. The most obvious job is hiring on as a guard for one of the coaches, or even as a driver if you posses the appropriate skill. This works well if you want the characters to leave Altdorf, and for such occasions they might just get paid to do a one way trip, if that suits your needs.
But I feel that there are plenty of other venues for adventures associated with coaching lines, and not all of them means that the characters have to leave Altdorf. I'll look into those opportunities later.
Saturday, 20 January 2007
Do you schnoodle?
Adolphus Altdorfer
Wellentag, Nachexen 5, 2522 IC
I found a great thread at the Black Industries forum, and threw together the following picture, based on a post by Steve Darlington (co-author of Children of the Horned Rat). Open the picture in a seperate window to view it full-size, or just save it to your hard drive and open it which ever way you want to.

This poster is not adapted for my version of Altdorf, but I will check with Steve again to see if he allows some small changes. He was kind enough to give me the go ahead to put it up here, so I'm sure he won't mind. I'll just ask him first, since that is the right thing to do.
Friday, 19 January 2007
Things that go bump in the night
Adolphus Altdorfer
Wellentag, Nachexen 5, 2522 IC
There are monsters in Altdorf. It's just a case of figuring out which monsters are appropriate for the capital. There are powerful military forces stationed in and near Altdorf and a fairly active (albeit also fairly corrupt) City Watch which should be able to deal with most threats. And the city is the home of the Emperor so no open threats to him, or to the nobles of his court would be allowed.
From this follows that the monsters that are known to the public of Altdorf, are monsters that will be under the direct control of an upstanding and respected citizen, such as the beasts in the Imperial Zoo. Maybe a noble has a ferocious warhound, a warhawk or even a wolf to boast about in front of his friends. But such beasts will only be a problem if they escape, and if they do they will surely be hunted. Such a situation can provide a good short adventure for one session.
Of greater alarm, and far more dangerous are the hidden monsters. Altdorf is a large city, and there are plenty of places to hide. Dank cellars, secluded mansions, derelict towers, abandoned sewers or dark water fronts. Even the parks or the forest just outside Altdorf can be the home of monsters that bring peril and fear to the citizens and the characters. And even though most monsters are supposed to live in the wild, a bit of creative thinking can give you lots of ideas for urbanising beastly foes. A great example of this can be found in issue 26 of Warpstone. The adventure The Harpies of Vindell's Folly, written by Robin Low, introduces ... hmmm ... well, harpies to a city environment. Although I'd likely rework the plot and the background of the adventure before using it in Altdorf, the basic premise is sound and showcases an interesting use of a monster that supposedly only lives in the wilderness.
For sure, not every monster is suitable for adaption to an urban setting. The undead, Skaven, Mutants (anyone can be a Mutant), Cultists and Giant Animals of ordinary animals seem most likely to be of use for a Game Master. Looking through the Old World Bestiary, I can immediately think of ideas that would involve the following monsters in an Altdorf campaign;
Chaos Cultists (obviously)
Giant Rats
Giant Spiders
Great Eagles
Harpies (see Warpstone issue 26)
Undead of all stripes (especially Ghouls)
Vampire Bats
Of course, there is always room for a random attack by crazed beastmen infiltrating the city, or a chaos beast such as a manticore to descend on the poor folk of Altdorf, but I prefer to use monsters that can be a long term threat. Who is responsible for the latest upheaval in the cemeteries? Grave robbers or Ghouls? Or even Strigoi Vampires? Who is to blame for the disappearance of many children in the Drecksack slums? Slavers, Giant Rats or Skaven? Or are they carried away by Harpies or Great Eagles?
So expect to encounter some monsters here and there in my version of Altdorf. They are always there, hiding and biding their time ... and there's a fog rolling in from the river.
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
The imperfect jigsaw
Adolphus Altdorfer
Festag, Nachexen 4, 2522 IC
Much like Adolphus, I can only hope to cover bits and pieces of Altdorf. That is one of the reasons I chose a blog as a vehicle for this task, since it is eminent for laying out little pieces one at a time. But I have to limit my scope, I have to decide what goes into my entries, who to describe and what to cover.
At its roots this blog comes from the work I do preparing my own WFRP campaign. So that campaign will be the basis for everything I do. And I have made some ... let's say ... non-canon ... decisions which will influence this blog. High magic is right out. So I will not cover the colleges as they appear in Realms of Sorcery. I will not cover magic as a common occurrence in Altdorf. If I touch upon magic, it will be as a force unknown and feared. Halflings are gone, they don't exist. Elves are fantastically rare (rumoured to be a race of vampiric ghosts). Chaos is a threat, but I emphasise an enemy within, rather than a storm of chaos.
So 99% of the NPCs you will see here will be humans. The occasional dwarf, like Krag Jorgensen the famed dwarven weaponsmith, will make appearences and become a part of my jigsaw puzzle. Also, the subplots (of which I already have hinted at) will mostly concern human behaviour and implications of that. With the taint of chaos ever present, of course.
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
Monday, 15 January 2007
Say hello to Professor Gutbelesen
Adolphus Altdorfer
Angestag, Nachexen 3, 2522 IC
Friday, 12 January 2007
The University

Adolphus Altdorfer
Angestag, Nachexen 3, 2522 IC

The University is made up of several small and large buildings, societies, museums, clubs, libraries, and so on so forth. On the map above you find a few of the more noteworthy, but exploring the University can be an adventure in itself, and a place where you as a GM can start many adventures, or use as a place for researching clues or asking old professors for advice.
Thursday, 11 January 2007
Update to Matthias Tafel
UPDATE: And yes, I have now corrected a spelling mistake in the write up of Martin Braun as well. "Palying" indeed!
What to say, I'm keeping up with the WFRP tradition of typus!
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
Meeting Fat Pappy Braun
"Pfui, too much hard work. We won't catch the Collector that way," was the lazy answer I got.
"The Collector?"
"Aye, sire," he replied in a deep and booming voice. The fat man probably had a good singing voice in there somewhere. There was room enough in there for sure. "He steals books. We gather that he collects them himself, since none of the tomes have turned up in any of the bookshops or pawnshops."
I debated with the man for a full half hour but got nowhere. He wouldn't give chase, and if I wanted the book back he suggested I put up posters offering a reward.
"But you are the City Watch!" I burst out.
"Aye, sire. We keep the peace. But we don't around solving crimes. Imagine how that would be, we'd have no time for anything else!"
Adolphus Altdorfer
Angestag, Nachexen 3, 2522 IC
Our poor scholar was unfortunate enough to run into Fat Pappy Braun. He is infamous in Friedwang for his enormous belly, his equally voluminous wife and their litter of children. Fat Pappy is also one of the laziest Watch Men in Altdorf, and easily bribed. The fact that he can keep his job is telling of the state of the City Watch in the capital. They are there to keep the peace, which they most often do by banging two heads together and dragging the unconscious unfortunates to a cell for the night. The Watch Men have few or no investigative skills, and the task of actually investigating crimes are given to specially formed commissions or one of the numerous Kabinetts.
Today our dear Adolphus was unfortunate, since Friedwang actually is one of the most peaceful Bezirks in Altdorf. About the only spot of trouble is the Collector, a mysterious man who steals books. This is a source of much frustration in the Bezirk, since it is inhabited ta large extent by scholars and scribes. The Collector steals any book he can lay his hands on, but favours hard bound books with plenty of colour illuminations and fancy letters.
Cold, slippery and dark
Adolphus Altdorfer
Angestag, Nachexen 3, 2522 IC
Monday, 8 January 2007
Bezirk? What's that?
Adolphus Altdorfer
Angestag, Nachexen 3, 2522 IC
So what is this Bezirk thing that Adolphus goes on about? Well, in Alfred Nünez's document about Altdorf a host of districts are identified and described. They offer a great way of getting to know Altdorf, and a great way to for the players to quickly get a grip of what can be found where. For example there is the University District, the Palace District and so on. And slums of course. The districts themselves will what I are most likely to place there in regards to buildings, shops and people, but also the response levels of the City Watch and the relative risks of muggings or other ... accidents.
And Bezirk is simply the german word for District. So I just continued on the route suggested by Nünez and appended all names to sound more german, ending up with this list:
1. Amtsbezirk - Civic District
2. Bankbezirk - Banking or Financial District
3. Domplatz Bezirk - Cathedral or Religious District
4. Drecksack Bezirk - Wretched Slum District
5. Friedwang Bezirk - Scholar's District
6. Metallschlack Bezirk - Engineer's and Metalworker's District
7. Morrwies Bezirk - Realm of Morr District
8. Niederhafen Bezirk - Dockside District
9. Obereik Bezirk - Upper Reik or Minor Noble District
10. Oberhausen Bezirk - Upper Class District
11. Palast Bezirk - Palace District
12. Reikerbahn Bezirk - Lower Class District
13. Reikhoch Bezirk - Old Town District
14. Reikmarkt - South Market District
15. Sindelfingen Bezirk - Sewer or Slum District
16. Süderich Bezirk - Middle Class District
17. Universität Bezirk - University District
18. Werksviertel Bezirk - Manufacturing or Worker Class District
19. Tempelplatz - Temple Square
20. Kaiserliche Palast - The Imperial Palace

Menu at The Burning Table
Adolphus Altdorfer
Angestag, Nachexen 3, 2522 IC
The Burning Table offers a fairly standard menu for Altdorf and the Empire. Nothing fancy, just something to fill your stomach and quench your thirst. Tafel offers fresh bread for free with every meal which is somewhat unusual, but something which makes his inn popular among the local residents.

Background is © Andreas Blicher, 2006, and is used by permission. Border is © Melissa Snell, 1998-2003, and is used by permission.
Sunday, 7 January 2007
Saturday, 6 January 2007
Waking up at The Burning Table

Adolphus Altdorfer
Angestag, Nachexen 3, 2522 IC

Thursday, 4 January 2007
Visions in my head
Adolphus Altdorfer
Konigstag, Nachexen 2, 2522 IC
What has the poor Altdorfer gotten himself into? Probably nothing he won’t survive, cause I’ve still got some mileage to get out of him in this blog. Anyway, I speculate that his dreams were visions of the newly hinted at adventure campaign for WFRP, or adventure path as the D&D crowd calls those things. A set of connected adventures which reach a splendid climax in the last chapter, raining doom and fire on the hapless characters. Or something like that. I like the ideas of campaign presented that way, my favourite being Masks of Nyarlathotep and The Enemy Within. There’s just one catch; I never get to finish the damn things.
Anyways, Kate Flack has hinted about a new campaign at the BI forums, and from what little we know about it, I think it sounds intriguing. It’s a one book deal and ties in with Tome of Salvation, Realms of the Ice Queen and Night’s Dark Masters. Supposedly Marienburg will be featured in the book, and the new stuff will be compatible with the old stuff. I like the fact that it’s one book, I can’t be arsed to wait for stuff any longer than I have too (I’m looking at you WH40k), and the larger format probably means that the book will be in colour and 256 pages thick (or something like that).
More interesting though is the revelation that the writing team are actively using the forms of communication offered by the Internet to keep the ideas and writing coordinated. Just like I was hoping for in my previous post about the future for 2007. Also of interest is the stated goal of consistency with earlier published material and a comment stating that the new WFB campaign, Nemesis Crown, will not have a huge impact on the WFRP timeline.
Oh, and the inspiration for the campaign; the Children's Crusade.
Looks good so far.
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
The North Gate

Adolphus Altdorfer
Bezahltag, Nachexen 1, 2522 IC
Monday, 1 January 2007
Getting settled
Adolphus Altdorfer
Hexentag, Nachexen, 2522 IC
In the beginning things might look a little rough and all but I hope to straighten everything out as soon as possible. Oh, and a happy new year to all WFRP fans out there!